Saturday, December 31, 2005

Welcome 2006!

Happy New Year to all!

This next year promises a whole new adventure for me and my family...

I'll be conducting my first PEAKS Seminar for HIMEX Medical Equipment. I love what this new technology for personality profiling can do for businesses and ministry. My mentor in this, Dr. Shirley Lim, is respected globally for how she developed and applies the Five Factor Model of personality assessment to leadership profiling, corporate benchmarking, and team development. I'm excited as to where this will take us.

Taking a more global outlook, our family is moving back to Ottawa, Canada where we hope to catalyze a simple-church-planting movement. We are also hopeful to do the same in Toronto and, Lord willing, in Vancouver over the next 3-5 years. However, I'll still be leading NuComm Global with our launching pad in Manila, Philippines.

I'm hoping to be able to extend the work we've started with Research Communication International to Canada and even to parts of the world where we will develop leadership for the marketplace and for the church.

I sense a whole new paradigm emerging over the next several years that will somehow integrate both marketplace leadership and church ministry together to catalyze social transformation in the heart of cities. Perhaps, it will be a fresh paradigm of 21st century discipleship?

Before we make our move, I'll also be meeting with some of my spiritual sons to see if we can start a new network for emerging church leadership based on organic church principles. My first meeting will be this week with a son from Bulacan who has a handful of housechurches under his care.

Obviously, the key word for 2006 is CATALYST; CATALYZE.

2006: A New Adventure with No Maps

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

Blessed Christmas to you and your beloved ones. May the New Year show you greater possibilities than you ever imagined! Ephesians 3:20

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Here we are in Malaysia

Water demo with William...I'll never drink water the same again!

In front of Edmark Industries...

With the Crown Managers in the lobby of Times Square Hotel...great place!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Malaysia II

Our trip to Malaysia was quite an adventure. Fellow travellers' luggage did not arrive at our airport of deprature. That's about 20 pcs.! Beth pulled off her usual magic and got the flight operations manager to agree to send all the luggage to Kuala Lumpur provded someone stays behind. Way to go Jacob! At least it all caught up to us in KL.

The hotel we were in was nothing short of amazing. Times Square Hotel consists of 2 towers of luxurious hotel suites divided by a huge 7+ story mall. Starbucks had a very convenient free WiFi. (Of course.) Borders was a refreshing book stop with it's own Starbucks too! The only thing I missed at TSH was a free breakfast buffet that I would have expected from a place like that.

Roadways in KL were quite nice. Wide and fairly smooth.

This well developed infrastructure made me wonder about Singapore too. Does progress in Asian nations require strong, almost dictatorial, leadership? I think of Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew and PM Mahathir of Malaysia and Marcos of RP. Does the Philippines need another Marcos to move forward?

Saturday, October 22, 2005


Beth and I will be in Kuala Lumpur this week. I do hope there is internet access!

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Thoughts on Spirituality here...

I decided to revive my old blogsite to record my musings on spirituality, ancients, and new apostolics...check it out by clicking the title of this post. Enjoy!

Friday, September 09, 2005

Undesirable Outcome

These days I am constantly reminding myself that there is no such thing as failure. There are only outcomes. When we think in this way, "failures" are opportunities to learn and grow. No one who did anything of significance allowed "failure" to paralyze them. Colonel Sanders was rejected 1009 times. And Thomas Edison...?!?! When you see "failure" as simply an outcome, you can change the outcome by making changes ---small or big--- to your behavior leading to that outcome.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

CEO Next Door?

Click the title of this post and check out this article on corporate leaderhship. Really a different look at the big chair! Especially great for you entrepreurial types...

There is no normal. (part 2)

"More rewards go to the person who does what he or she loves." -Harriet Rubin, Soloing

There is no normal.

Just watched the 1995 movie, Angus...actually, I only caught the last half of it on cable. I loved Angus' monologue at the end. Posted it below. Hope it inspires you to be YOU...there is no substitute!

Angus: I'm still here, ASSHOLE! I'll ALWAYS be here!
[Begins to violently push Rick across the dance floor]
Angus: You push me down and I'll get back up again, and Again, and AGAIN, And AGAIN, AND AGAIN!
[Rick falls, hitting his head on the steps to the stage]
Angus: I could beat you RIGHT here, RIGHT now! But I DON'T WANT to be better than you, Rick! I DON'T WANT to be better than ANYBODY! I just want to be who I AM: a FAT kid, who's good at science, and fair at football. That's who I AM! I can LIVE with that. Why can't you?
Rick: Because it's not normal. YOU'RE not normal.
Angus: And who is? You?
Rick: You bet your ass.
Angus: So to be normal, we all have to be like YOU? There are 400 people in this room who are NOTHING like you, Rick! Some of them are fat, some of them are skinny. Some of them are short, some of them are tall. Some of them have braces, some of them have birth marks, or scars, or frizzy hair, or EARS THAT STICK OUT!
[Troy's head pops up out of crowd]
Angus: But most of them walk through these halls EVERY DAY, never telling anybody what they really think, or feel, or believe, because people like you, NORMAL people like YOU, have them TERRIFIED of being who they REALLY are. If YOU'RE normal, what does that make all of them? So which is it, Rick? Are you normal? Or are you just one of us?
Rick: Whatever I am, it's something you're never gonna be.
Angus: Thank God.

Apple does it again!

Apple just launched the new iPod nano. Thinner than a pencil, it can hold up to 1000 songs! They also have a new cell phone loaded with iTunes. But I think this nano is cooler.

Monday, September 05, 2005

The Evolution of Leadership

This was an interesting article from Wired. Click on the title above to go to the link.

I first heard about this concept from reading Howard Schultz' book about Starbucks. As the company grew, he had to reinvent himself as a leader. I think he is now on his 4th evolutionary incarnation as Chief Global Strategist for Starbucks Coffee Company. I think it's one of the best companies to work for.

Sunday, September 04, 2005


My heart goes out to the thousands of people who have become refugees in their own country because of hurricane Katrina. The images reported by CNN make that part of the US look like a third world country.

I do have one observation though. These affected Americans complaints about their government's responsiveness to this calamity betrays an ugly sense of entitlement. It's as if they are entitled to demand help in this emergency. Coming from a region of the world where we are constantly hit by typhoons, floods, fires, terrorists etc. and where our government often finds itself helpless in national emergencies, I find USAmericans to be so spoiled.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Our Deepest Fear

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate,
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light not our darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, whom am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?
Actually, who are we not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small doesn’t serve the world.
There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.
You were born to make manifest the glory of God.
That is within us.
It’s not just some of us; it’s in everyone.
And as we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.

Return To Love
Marianne Williamson

Monday, August 29, 2005

Philippines needs more ethanol plants to keep up with demand -Manila Times 8/25/05

I think this oil price crisis is a good thing in that it will force us to seriously consider alternative fuel sources. Clean, renewable alcohol fuel from sugarcane and corn is our opportunity to be a world leader in fuel production. Come on Pinoy! Rise up! Grab the opportunity now. Good to see that Seaoil and Petron are taking the lead here.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Good to be home!

just got out of the hospital this afternoon. I had to be checked in cause I was diagnosed with pneumonia, bronchitis, and a throat infection! It was my first time to stay in the hospital. I was so restless. Don't like being confined. I'm feeling better now.

Funny thing is that most people looked at this incident as a forced rest. Do I really work that hard? I had no idea!

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Y Speak on Channel 23

Just caught the last 15 minutes of Y Speak on channel 23. The topic of discussion was students and education in the Philippines. I was so disappointed to see a little girl, when asked her opinion about what the rest of the gang was talking about, say that she didn't have anything to say because she didn't understand english. I think she was playing cute with the camera and probably just wants to be an artista. But she is so stupid! Her remark proved what a couple of the discussion group members said: That naging bobo ang mga pinoy! And the reason why nagiging bobo ang mga pinoy (some of them at least) is stupid pride...PRIDE. This stupid girl was proud to say that she didn't have anything to say because she didn;t understand english ("Wala'kong masabi kasi di ko maintindihan ng inglis...Pilipino ako e.). It's this kind of attitude that will hold back Filipinos from being worldclass. Nakakainis lang talaga!

Saturday, August 06, 2005

LTBC 2005 Pics!

Here are some pics from the LTBC in La Vista, Pansol, Laguna...

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Back from LTBC 2005

Just got back from the EDMARK Leadership and Team Building Camp in La Vista, Pansol, Laguna. Spoke 7 times in the past 2 1/2 days! But it was an OUTSTANDING camp! I'll post some pics soon.

Monday, July 04, 2005

Snapshops of Our Vision

Our vision statement is actually a mosaic of 4 different pictures of the kind of church we want to be. Here is how we state our vision:


This vision is made up of these 4 pictures of our future:

1. To be a model of exponentially multiplying cell groups in the marketplace.
2. To be an environment that strengthens the family.
3. To be a mobilizer of redemptive change in society.
4. To be a catalyst for transformational leadership in the Asia Pacific region.

Kick it in high gear!

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Vision Launching!

Last Sunday was the conclusion of our vision month. It was awesome! We had record attendance and more than SRO seating!!!! It all felt like we were launching NuComm for the very first time! The energy was so high. Excitement and passion were kicking! Huhaaa!

We're getting batches of new people every week....and they're coming back the following weeks! We even have them consolidated into new cell groups! We got the big MO!


Finally figured out how to post pictures!

Check out our free concert on July 15, 2005 at the Word for the World Makati sanctuary. We'll be with Kitchie Nadal and the "ruggednoise" guys from WWCF. It's free! Concert starts at 6pm. See you there!

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Disney Danger?

The Walt Disney Co. might be sued due to a couple of deadly incidents on their rides. The incidences occurred in both L.A. and Orlando. A 4-year old boy died of unknown causes while riding the Space Mission ride and a Spanish woman died of a brain aneurysm while riding on a ride described as “violent shaking and stress.” DUH. That’s why people ride the rides. If there was no “violent shaking and stress” it wouldn’t be fun! I don’t think Disney should be sued even if they find out that the ride caused the death.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Blogging Help

Does anyone out there have any tips on better blogging? I really wish I could blog more often.

Friday, May 20, 2005


I believe this will be the new theme and mantra for the 2005/2006 ministry season.


That is to say that we will be focusing on intentionally building...

1. A culture of prayer,
2. A culture of discipline,
3. A culture of discipleship,
4. A culture of evangelism, and
5. A culture of leadership.


I also believe that our mandate is to the 20/40 Window. That is, men and women between the ages of 20 and 40 years old. But with a strategic emphasis on reaching children under the age of 13 years old.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Vision Statement

Been working on a vision statement for NuComm since ILI Singapore. Thought I had 4 pretty good "to be" statements until I was inspired by the first chapter of Kevin Roberts' "Lovemarks." How's this for a try?

To be revered as an unstoppable force for catalyzing transformational leadership and redemptive teams in the home, the marketplace and the world.

Personally, I think it's pretty kickin'!

Monday, May 16, 2005

International Leadership Institute

Beth and I have been in Singapore for the past 2 weeks attending the ILI Conference at the invitation of Isaac Lim. It's been a grueling schedule but well worth it!

I don't even know where to begin to share the insights we've learned and the impact the Lord has made upon our lives. We've received so much affirmation. Though my body may feel tired from the full schedule (8:30am-9pm), I feel invigorated! I also feel like I have fresh direction for the ministry and for our lives.

Some of the highlights of this trip that I will always treasure are:

Finding new, loving mentors in Isaac and Shirley Lim...worldclass leaders in my opinion.

New friendships we've made with 30 people representing 17 different nations (Myanmar, Nepal, Cambodia, India, Pakistan, Malaysia, Brazil, Nigeria, Indonesia, Singapore, USA, Iran, Isle of Man, Philippines, New Zealand, England, Sri Lanka).

City Harvest Church and getting to meet with Pastor Kong Hee...20,000 members and growing!

I bet we'll be talking about this for years to come. :-)

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Turning Adversity into Opportunity

Adversity defined – hardship and suffering; an extremely unfavorable experience or event. Other words associated with adversity include “hardship, difficulty, danger, misfortune, harsh conditions, and hard times.”

Learning to overcome adversity, that is, the ability to turn adversity into an opportunity to grow and learn, is one of the main ingredients to being successful. Turning adversity into opportunity is what defines you.

If you can break the habit of habitual despair, you can start growing and climbing towards success.
Dr. Shirley Lim
Research Communication Inc.

2Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 4Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
James 1:2-4 (NIV)

How can we turn adversity into opportunity?

First, listen to your reactions. Self-awareness is the first step in understanding what is happening around you and within you.

Second, establish the whole story. Make sure you get a bird's eye perspective on your adverse situation. Look to establish your responsibility in the story.

Third, analyze the situation and see which things are truly beyond your control and which things are within your control.

Fourth, do what you need to do to regain control over what you can.

Monday, February 28, 2005


Make each day a masterpiece!

Is your "next act" (presentation, goal statement for your current project) up to the Cirque du Soleil Standard? Is today a "Masterpiece"?

-Tom Peters

Got this from Tom Peter's website. Great thought!

Dating, Mating & Waiting (part 3)

What do you do if you're single? A LOT!!!!

Marriage is not the ultimate state of existence.

Single people are not second class members of society!

All of you marriage addicts, shut up while the rest of us throw up!!!

It is possible to idolize marriage even as a married person, you know?!?!

To all you single people out there...on behalf of all married people AND all the Christian books on marriage...MY DEEPEST APOLOGIES!!!!

Aiiight?! Ya feeel me?!

A word to the single and the singled...its not about finding someone who "completes" you ala Jerry MacGuire. It's about finding the right vibe in your life where you can have undivided devotion to Christ.

Sniff...snifff....You had me at, "Hello."

Dating, Mating & Waiting (part 2)

Marriage is not about balance but about harmony. There's a HUGE difference!

Balance means compromise, losing a part of yourself blah, blah, blah....

Harmony requires that both notes be solid and whole. Same with marriage. It's the blending of two lives into one life where neither one has to lose their personal identity.

For harmony to happen, you need to be in the same key. Think WILL of God.

For harmony to happen, you both need to know your notes. Think SELF-AWARENESS and SELF-UNDERSTANDING.

For harmony to happen, you need to know one another. It's like Celine Dion and Peabo Bryson playing off each other because they know one another's habits vocally.

Hey, it's called l'amour NOT la mort. For you non-French speaking people l'amour means love/romance and la mort means death.

Dating, Mating & Waiting (part 1)

Dating sucks. Just a series of monogamous heartache. Why would you want to put yourself out there emotionally, psychologically, spiritually, and financially (?!) for someone you barely know? Stupid!

Alternative: Courtship instead of dating.

Take time to really, REALLY get to know someone. In fact, why not marry your best friend instead? What I mean is, why not instead of looking for a mate, develop awesome friendships...even with the opposite sex! Then go through a process of courtship where you discover whether or not one of your friends is really discguised as your spouse before you create any soul ties or at least before you heavily invest in the person emotionally!

As far as I can see, that's a win-win situation. If you find out that you're not meant for each other, at least you can remain friends for real without the embarrassment of having a "romantic history" with him/her.

O, l'amour!

Dating, Mating, and Waiting

Just finished a 3-part series at NuComm called "Dating, Mating and Waiting." I'll post a summary of each above...

Traffic Cop Lesson

Brought my kids to their ride to school this morning as usual. Got stuck in the middle of the intersection. Reason? Traffic cops!

I thought the whole purpose of a traffic cop is to make traffic flow smoothly?! These guys allowed buses to block the intersection rather than stopping them when the other side was full. Now, I know that this is how it is in Manila. But it's a simple example of a lack of leadership foresight at such a basic level in our society. Something's gotta change!

Friday, January 21, 2005

Appearing on The Club

Beth and I will be featured on The Club on ABS-CBN on February 8, 12:30am. In fact, the crew from CBN Asia is still here taping. Let me know what you think.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Spiritual Brew?

I got the article below from a friend...What do you think?


By Sarah Schweitzer, Globe Staff | November 22, 2004

PEMBROKE, N.H. -- The line of parishioners outside the Grace Capital
Church chapel last Sunday morning stretched past the stained glass
windows, beyond a pile of church bulletins. They had come for spiritual
invigoration, but first the men and women waited turns to pay $1.25 a cup
for Starbucks's Shade Grown Mexico.

In a startling mix of religion and chain-store culture, Starbucks has
become a prime attraction at the Pentecostal church a few miles from New
Hampshire's capital city. Reflecting a philosophy that emphasizes a wide
range of enticements to get Christians to come to church, Grace Capital
leaders have installed a kiosk in the atrium to sell the premium coffee

The church is one of a growing number of places of worship that have
allowed commercial enterprises to operate within their walls, a departure
from traditional Judeo-Christian notions of separation of church and trade
that Grace Capital officials say has helped build membership.

''People love it," said Pastor Peter Bonanno, who includes
Starbucks-printed coupons for free coffee in packets the church gives to
prospective members. ''We have had a lot of people come to church just
because we do it."

Bonanno notes that proceeds from the Starbucks coffee sales at the kiosk,
which church leaders have dubbed the ''Common Ground Cafe," go to
charities. This month the money will be donated to the Pembroke Christmas

The model, dubbed ''sectarian entrepreneurship" by some religion
specialists, is thriving around the country, along with the growing ranks
of evangelical churches. The True Bethel Baptist Church in Buffalo, N.Y.,
recently opened a Subway sandwich shop. The Brentwood Baptist Church in
Houston has a McDonald's.

The intertwining of commerce and church, religion specialists note, is not
in itself revolutionary: Monasteries sold beer in the Middle Ages, and
gift shops have long been church staples. What is new is that the
religious institutions are inviting outside commercial outlets in -- a
move that makes sense, some say, in an age of mass-marketing and national

''What these churches are saying is life is about markets and their market
is Jesus or eternal life," said James Wellman, a professor of American
religion at the University of Washington. ''If you need to get people in
the doors with McDonald's you do it because once people get in the doors,
they realize that what they really want is not Big Mac but eternal life."

The introduction of chain stores in churches is part of a broader attempt
to make the church-going experience more like the outside world, said Mark
Silk, the director of the Center for the Study of Religion in Public Life
at Trinity College in Hartford.

The churches ''see their job as creating a whole world for their
parishioners," Silk said. ''The idea of the church is to be

It is not clear that businesses can make money in church. The Brentwood
Baptist Church in Houston has temporarily closed its McDonald's while it
analyzes poor sales.

But Grace Capital's Bonanno said his church is not worried about the
bottom line.

''This is not about making money," he said. ''This is about being a
blessing to others."

A Starbucks spokesman said it is company policy not to disclose the number
of accounts with houses of worship, but he described it as a ''large

The movement to make churches less formal began on the West Coast in the
1970s and has since spread elsewhere. The style has been embraced by
evangelical and often non-denominational churches in the South and
Midwest, some called ''mega-churches" because their congregations number
in the thousands. The idea for selling Starbucks coffee at Grace Capital
Church came from one such place of worship, the Willow Creek Community
Church outside Chicago.

Grace Capital Church signals the expansion of the trend into New England.
It is affiliated with International Church of the Foursquare Gospel, a
Pentecostal denomination based in Los Angeles. It is one of an estimated
300 evangelical churches in the state, a number that has doubled over the
past decade, according to the New Hampshire Council of Churches.

Worship services at Grace Capital feature a multipiece band with electric
guitar, drums, and flute backing the choir. Video screens anchored to the
ceiling flash the words to prayers. Dress is casual and seating is in
unanchored chairs arranged in a semi-circle around the low-rise altar.

''We didn't want a churchy feeling," said Bonanno.

Starbucks, church leaders say, is a natural addition to the environment.

''People drinking coffee, relating to one another, loving each other,"
Jerry Cook, a pastor visiting last Sunday from a Foursquare Gospel church
in Seattle, where Starbucks is also sold. ''That's the essence of

Grace Capital Church has grown quickly. It started in a living room eight
years ago, later relocated to a school, and last July moved into a new
building overlooking the Suncook River. The beige-walled sanctuary holds
600 and is regularly near capacity. About half its congregants are former
Catholics, according to church officials.

''Growing up Catholic, the whole thing about church was about not being
allowed to do much of anything -- having to stand, kneel," said Jon
Berger, 34, a corporate driver, as he entered the sanctuary with a tall
Starbucks in hand. ''Here you can have a cup of coffee and be relaxed."

Still, Berger and others noted that the allure of the church runs deeper
than Starbucks.

''Christians like coffee," said Rick Bagley, 39, a general contractor.
''But what draws us here is Jesus Christ."

Monday, January 17, 2005


I know that there are a few of you out there who read this blog. I really appreciate that! Let's make the most of this blog experience ok? Let me know your thoughts (agree or disagree) on the stuff I write in this space ok? All you have to do is click the "comment" button at the bottom of the entry that you want to riff on. Hope to hear from some of you guys soon.

Friday, January 07, 2005

Aldersgate 2005

Just got back from Baguio City where we held the annual Aldersgate Spiritual Renewal Conference. Over 450 delegates. This is about half of what we normally got in the past years but I'm sure several uncontrollable factors accounted for this. The good thing about it is that it seemed about 80% of attendees were first timers. It felt like we were doing the first Aldersgate ever! The response was very pleasing to those of us on the Board. And....we ended up in the black! It was the most peaceful and stress-free conference we've done thus far.

I was amazed at the lingering impact of my opening message, "Be the Miracle." Even to the last day, people remembered the whole outline: Dream Big, Act Now, Stand Out, Hang On. Be the miracle.

Simple is powerful.